Girls are superheroes! Because who else bleeds for 5 days or more and not die? Tau takpe. Girls endure the pain of mentrual cramps. Some cramps are mild. Some cramps are like uuuuuggggggghhhhhhh! So severe that it can interfere with your regular daily routine, for several days pulak tu .
But on a serious note, to all my girlfriends reading this, do not treat any period pain lightly. If your bleeding is heavy and the pain is unbearable, go and see doctor. Jangan asyik telan Panadol Menstrual tu je! Get the expert's opinion coz you never know what's happening inside. Maybe the pain is not from the period but something else. Who knows? Prevention is better than cure. I am not a doctor but this is just my opinion. We must take great care of our body coz nobody else will.
Frankly, waktu remaja dulu, I suffered from this period pain sehingga nak pengsan. Punyalah sakit. Tapi sekarang, alhamdulillah. Period pain dah tak teruk but the pain now is in my back. Pinggang sakit macam nak putus. If ada event to attend like wedding or lunch with friends, orang lain senyum, I pun senyum. Orang lain ketawa, I pun ketawa tapi dalam hati, hanya Tuhan je yang tahu. Psst! Psst! But now, my back pain dah takde tau. Semenjak I pakai corset ber-FIR ni, it changes my body, my life. Nak tau ape ke benda nya? Baca article di bawah ni dulu.
Back Pain during Menstruation
Lower back pain is common among women during the menstrual period. It may be caused by endometriosis which is a reproductive abnor- mality or an ovarian cyst which entails medical supervision. Normally, however, back pain is due to Dysmenorrhea. This is caused by uterine contractions to push the lining out. The pain may be heightened by pressure, anxiety and lack of physical activity. There are several ways to relieve menstrual back pain. There are prescription drugs and hormonal pills for women experiencing extreme pain during her period. These, however, are not advisable because of the health risk and negative side effects. One of the healthiest and most effective treatment is water. Dehydration is normally a major cause of pain and this is worsened by a woman’s loss of appetite during her period. Drinking water helps reduce the pain during menstruation. In addition to water therapy, taking vitamin E and B are highly recommended since it helps regulate the hormones. Drinking herbal teas like chamomile and raspberry can significantly help if taken regularly. To effectively reduce stress and relieve back pain, heat therapy must be administered. It dilates the capillaries and improves the flow of oxygen-rich blood. This causes the tense muscles to relax and the discomfort to lessen if not totally diminish. Far Infrared Ray heat works even better than regular heat because it penetrates deeper, reaching the body’s muscles and bones. There are Far Infrared Ray wraps now available in the market. Not only do they produce deep penetrating heat, they are also convenient and proven safe to use. The thermal wraps are form fitting and adjustable. The Velcro lock causes it to not slip and stay in place. Its heating element produces even heat so accidental burning is not a problem. Having the monthly visitor is already inconvenient as is. Reduce the discomfort by getting rid of the back pain that comes with menstruation by drinking lots of water, taking vitamins and using FIR heat wraps for therapy. |
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