Thursday, October 27, 2011


Just because something isn't happening for me right now, doesn't mean that it never will.

Never Say Never

Its very tiring whenever you have tried your best and the best is still not enough. What's wrong? What's wrong with me? What's wrong with people?

But I can't give up now. I won't. I am not like that. There's just too many people who count on me for this to succeed and I owe so much to them coz although I failed many times, they never gave up on me. So, why should I give up on them?

Everyday is a learning journey. Every failure is a priceless experience to success. So, c'mon WAN NOORMALA ABBAS. You can do it!

Friday, October 21, 2011

"Lihatlah, pandanglah...."

I have many queries about the magic of PB. Dah explain but still mereka was-was. Hmmmm... entahlah. Terserahlah pada hak individu untuk mempercayainya but as for me, all I can say, or to be exact, all I can sing is "Lihatlah, pandanglah,...."

Cukup puas hati! Instant gratification! - sincere testimony from the Wan and only.


Hello you. How's your day? Bersyukurlah kerana kita masih dapat bersama. Jangan terus bermurung dengan masalah yang ada. Tuhan tidak akan menduga hambanya jika kita tidak mampu. Dia maha mengetahui. So be strong! Coz strong is the new BEAUTIFUL!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

It was a success!

That night was awesome. All girlfriends and boyfriends enjoyed themselves. Maklumlah, dah dekat 20 tahun lebih tak jumpa. Banyak nak catch-up. Kau kerja mana? Kau anak dah berapa? Bini dah berapa (hmmmm.. jangan cari pasal eh!) VIP that night - Cikgu Maimoonah Ahmad. OMG! Can't believe it! She still recognise me! She even mentioned about my karangan that was entahlah... donkey years. Boleh tahan betul lah cikgu ni! Walaupun dah berusia, tapi memory tetap kuat. Apa-apa pun, terimakasih cikgu! Terimakasih di atas kepimpinan dan tunjuk ajar cikgu.

Me & my girlfrens, like sisters. From right to left : Roslinda Sahamat, Faiza Haron, Lenny Marlina Munawir, Kamsiah Haron, Norlinda Salleh & Me.

From right to left : Roslinda Sahamat, Faiza Haron, Cikgu Maimoonah Ahmad, Me & Lenny Marlina Munawir.

Si Ling Secondary School Reunion on Saturday, 15th October 2011 at Orchid Country Club - night to remember!! 

Friday, October 14, 2011


And don't forget that smile. It can go a long way..

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

When u have lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you curves, flaunt them..

If you have something you are proud of, such as beauty or wealth, you should make it obvious. No, no, no.. don't get me wrong. I'm not saying its ok to be a show-off diva but well, if you think you can carry it - Why not? Who cares?
I believe its ok to flaunt what God has given you. To be more specific and direct, embrace those curves ladies! Let's opt for a curvy, healthy body and shun away excessive dieting. Stop the silly worries, complaining about your beauty and other stuff. Make the best of what you have. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Night to Remember

Saturday, 15th October 2011 will be a night to remember. I am really looking forward to this special night. Meeting with friends whom I have not met since like more than 20 years ago. I bet it will be fun and memorable. So what to wear? Have a rough idea though but just can't really decide which one. PB - takleh lupa. Lepas tu baru boleh  MAMMA MIA!  PB oh PB! My lifesaver! My confidence booster! If I knew your magical powers long before, I would have own you long ago. Takpe, pertemuan dan perpisahan di tangan Tuhan. Apa-apa pun, aku tetap bersyukur ditemukan dengan mu. Tak tahulah bagaimana aku nak lalui hari-hari ku tanpa mu. Ok ok! Sentimental Mode - OFF! Will be right back. More updates coming up..

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Have dreams. Never let anyone put down your dreams. Dreams make you LIVE not just EXIST. Even though some people may think you are silly for having them, go ahead anyway. - istimewa buat my girlfriend, FAIZA HARON hugs! hugs!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Courage don't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow."


Girls are superheroes! Because who else bleeds for 5 days or more and not die? Tau takpe. Girls endure the pain of mentrual cramps. Some cramps are mild. Some cramps are like uuuuuggggggghhhhhhh! So severe that it can interfere with your regular daily routine, for several days pulak tu .

But on a serious note, to all my girlfriends reading this, do not treat any period pain lightly. If your bleeding is heavy and the pain is unbearable, go and see doctor. Jangan asyik telan Panadol Menstrual tu je! Get the expert's opinion coz you never know what's happening inside. Maybe the pain is not from the period but something else. Who knows? Prevention is better than cure. I am not a doctor but this is just my opinion. We must take great care of our body coz nobody else will.

Frankly, waktu remaja dulu, I suffered from this period pain sehingga nak pengsan. Punyalah sakit. Tapi sekarang, alhamdulillah. Period pain dah tak teruk but the pain now is in my back. Pinggang sakit macam nak putus. If ada event to attend like wedding or lunch with friends, orang lain senyum, I pun senyum. Orang lain ketawa, I pun ketawa tapi dalam hati, hanya Tuhan je yang tahu. Psst! Psst! But now, my back pain dah takde tau. Semenjak I pakai corset ber-FIR ni, it changes my body, my life. Nak tau ape ke benda nya? Baca article di bawah ni dulu. 

Back Pain during Menstruation

Lower back pain is common 
among women during the 
menstrual period. It may be
caused by endometriosis
which is a reproductive abnor-
mality or an ovarian cyst which
entails medical supervision.
Normally, however, back pain
is due to Dysmenorrhea.
This is caused by uterine
contractions to push the lining
out. The pain may be heightened by pressure,
anxiety and lack of physical activity. There are
several ways to relieve menstrual back pain.

There are prescription drugs and hormonal 

pills for women experiencing extreme pain
during her period. These, however, are not
advisable because of the health risk and
negative side effects.  One of the healthiest
and most effective treatment is water.
Dehydration is normally a major cause of 
pain and this is worsened by a woman’s
loss of appetite during her period. Drinking
water helps reduce the pain during
menstruation. In addition to water therapy,
taking vitamin E and B are highly
recommended since it helps regulate the
hormones. Drinking herbal teas like 
chamomile and raspberry can significantly
help if taken regularly. To effectively reduce
stress and relieve back pain, heat therapy 
must be administered. It dilates the capillaries
and improves the flow of oxygen-rich blood.
This causes the tense muscles to relax and
the discomfort to lessen if not totally

Far Infrared Ray heat works even
better than regular heat because it
penetrates deeper, reaching the body’s
muscles and bones. There are Far 
Infrared Ray wraps now available in
the market. Not only do they produce
deep penetrating heat, they are also
convenient and proven safe to use.
The thermal wraps are form fitting 
and adjustable. The Velcro lock causes
it to not slip and stay in place. Its
heating element produces even heat so
accidental burning is not a problem.

Having the monthly visitor is already
inconvenient as is. Reduce the
discomfort by getting rid of the back 
pain that comes with menstruation by
drinking lots of water, taking vitamins
and using FIR heat wraps for therapy


Start by doing the necessary. Then do what is possible. In the end, you never know, you might be doing the impossible.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

U Rawk!

It happened when I came to Faiza's for a Raya visit. While enjoying her mum's yummy yum yum mee bandung, she approached the table. She introduced herself and my journey begins..

I was fascinated  & amazed by her achievements. I want to be like her. I want to be like her. Ya Allah, help me to be like her. Aku teruja dengan pencapaiannya. 

I went home that 'historical' day with a vision. Semangat berkobar-kobar ni and suddenly the thought strucked me. I began thinking. Are all these real?  I was sceptical. So I did the right thing. I googled..

Mulakan dengan Bismillah.

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Dengan nama Tuhan, Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.